The lovely Leslie from Leslie in Adams Morgan asked if I could post some photos that showed the whole garden/yard, to get some perspective on how it all fits together. What I didn't realize is that I really don't have any photos of the whole yard. And I don't have any from when all of the Spring flowers were in bloom. Right now there is a bit of a transition and growing period, so there is a lot of green but not much color. Essentially there is a whole other perspective that I haven't really been aware of.
So, here is a tour of the outside of our home.
The photo above is the front entrance. To the left is where the lillies were. They are just ending their life cycle. To the right is the garden with the azalea, tulips, pansies, hosta and crocus. In a few weeks we'll have some more lillies and black eyed susans.
In front, by the sidewalk, is a barrel with petunia and coleus. In a month this will be overflowing with color and beauty.

Walking around to the right you see the tree and more of the front garden. The daffodils are under the tree.

Continuing around to the right you see the side of the house. The chimnea, rosemary, lemon balm and a barrel of hyacinth and hydrageana are along here.

A wider angle and you can see the rock wall.

And then you get to the fence. The amazing pink rose bush climbs up and over the fence.
Thanks Leslie for opening me up to a new view.
1 comment:
thanks, Mina ... for the blog recognition and for the photos!
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