First up, Lenny Boy, the Fella, Le Douche, Stink, Booger Face ... yes those are all his nicknames. And yes, they ALL apply.
Before the iPhone, he would have heard me take the lens cap off the dslr and would have stopped the cuteness. This time he didn't even know I was taking his photo.
Here's Le Douche coveting Tiki's food. You know, because I don't ever feed him. EVER!
Here's the Fella up close and personal.
And now Tiki Baby, Old Girl. She's 17 1/2 and pulls the geriatric card on us/me pretty much all the time. Especially when it comes to lap time. You can't deny a geriatric cat!
Here we have Lenny and Lucy helping Shawn change strings on his guitar. I was sitting on the chaise lounge across from him with guess who on my lap:)
And finally Lucy, Poohead, La Douchess (because she has learned douche like behavior from Le Douche). Again, I was sitting on the chaise lounge with Tiki on my lap and Lucy was up on the arm of the chaise. There's something about these that I just love.
So a good fix for anyone jonesing to see cat pics.
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