Thursday, October 22, 2009

Artist Date*

Today I had an artist date. The book the Artist's Way which is basically a guide to rediscovering your creativity encourages artist dates. You take some time to do something that fuels you and your creativity, whether it's doing some yoga, going to a museum, taking a walk in nature. So today during my lunch break I went into Old Town Alexandria and walked around for about 30 minutes taking photos. This is one of my favorites. I love the yellow and blue doors next to each other. I almost blew it off and then last minute said fuck it ... I'm going to do this. I've done the Artist's Way before and I can say that taking that time for an artist date on a regular basis (the book recommends at least an hour a week) really does fuel you. It puts wheels in motion. I foresee more artist dates coming up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the pumpkins over the blue door!MO