Friday, September 18, 2009


This is a clay piece I did when I was in school. I was taking Clay Scultpure Studio which was an advanced class where you determined what you were going to do. I decided to do a series of pieces based on Georgia O'Keefe paintings. This is one of those. In fact, it was the first one, which inspired a completely different body of work. I should try to find the original painting I based it on and compare them side by side. In over 10 years I have never done that.

I also entered this piece into a Flower and Art Show. Art and floral displays together. This piece won Best of Show. I'll never forget ... I was at Myrtle Beach Bike Week with my friend Maria. I checked my messages and the dude in charge of the show had left me a message. I called him back and he told me the news. When I got off the phone I jumped up and down all over the room totally excited. Maria didn't even know what had happened.

I titled this piece Essence as I felt it really did capture the essence of that painting. It sits on a cool little built in shelf at the bottom of our stairs where judging from this pic, it's on gallery like display (except for the dust. Note to self ... need to dust). I was just testing my flash, got this and decided to share.

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