Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hot, Rockin' Hubby*

Ok, so from time to time, it seems that I am going to have to post some photos not taken the same day but maybe from a few days before. Maybe from a while before. I think I'm learning the point is to come here every day to be present. Tonight is one of those nights.

I got this shot at Shawn's gig the other night. It was a reunion from his back in the day band, Mis-Fit. They were one of those hair metal type bands back in the late 80's and early 90's. Kind of like Poison, Warrant, Motley Crew, etc...

The gig was at good old Jaxx in Springfield, aka, Zaxx , aka The Copa. There were some dinosaurs and relics there for sure but my hubby's band rocked. I was thoroughly impressed. It was even hard to get photos because the crowd rushed the stage and I had to elbow my way in.

There's something about this photo that I really like more so than the head banging, rocking out, photos. Maybe it's that instant I caught him pulling his hand through his hair to get it out of his face. Maybe it's the lighting. Maybe it's the smile on his face from the good time he's having. It's definitely one of my favorites.

It's funny, because back in the day, it was my girlfriends that were chasing after the musicians but it was me that got one for keeps:) Here's a few more ... of my hot, rockin' hubby!

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